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Divers Weights

Weighty Issues

Two of the most difficult things for new divers to understand and master are buoyancy and trim. But with just a little knowledge, experimentation and some practice these “skills” are easy to master. Buoyancy control and getting yourself weighted.  When you first start diving you might not have your own gear so your weights […]

Scuba eLearning

Scuba certification classes have evolved over the years. In the early days of the scuba industry the equipment was pretty minimal, some of it even a little scary! Because of the primitive equipment, requirements for certification were much more rigorous. To get certified you had to be an excellent swimmer and you had to be […]

Getting ready for the dive season

For most of us Long Islanders the dive season isn’t year-round unfortunately. If you are a seasoned local diver who doesn’t have the opportunity to travel much your season might be from late May through late October. Then again you might only dive during the warmer summer months of June, July and August. Maybe you […]