Come on in the water is warm


Dive season is in full swing! The water is almost 70 degrees in the Sound and visibility has been 8 to 12 feet for the last week depending on location and tide. Last night we made our first night dive at Mt. Sinai Jetty for 2013. Lots of the usual creatures stirring about on the jetty: spider, hermit and horseshoe crabs, sea robins, blackfish, blowfish, toad fish, porgies, fluke and stripped bass all checked in on the 55 minute dive. Visibility was between 8 and 10 feet last night. July 4th we are heading over to Oldfield Point for a mid morning dive. We did some freediving and hunting at Oldfield this morning and the visibility was 12 feet at high tide so the dive on the 4th should be awesome. Check out our local diving page for our upcoming dives, more dives will be added as the season moves on.

Night Dive Video

2 Responses to “Come on in the water is warm”

  1. Mike July 22, 2013 at 2:59 pm #

    Hey i know you guys dive old field point alot. How are the conditions over there? I was thinking of trying it out.

  2. deanmc July 22, 2013 at 5:43 pm #

    Watch the current over there, try and get it at slack high if possible.

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